Annual Report 2021
Report by the Board of Directors
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Statement of Non-Financial Information

Bittium is an international technology company that provides socially beneficial technological innovations that improve communications, create safety, and promote healthcare.

The company is committed to responsible and sustainable business through its sustainability program. The sustainability program is based on the company´s strategy, values, stakeholder expectations and megatrends in the operating environment, which include digitalization and aging of the population, as well as information security.

Sustainability is part of Bittium´s organizational culture and way of work. The company identifies and manages risks related to sustainability as part of the company´s risk management, which emphasizes the role of the company´s management group and the Board of Directors in implementing measures in day-to-day operations.

Key Operating Principles

Bittium´s operations are guided by good corporate governance, ethical principles, and Codes of Conduct. The Code of Conduct is part of the induction program for new employees.

Bittium´s partners are expected to comply with the Bittium Code of Conduct principles, supplier guidelines and supplier requirements (Bittium Supplier Manual and Bittium Supplier Requirements), which set out, for example, Bittium´s policies and supplier selection and quality control requirements. Bittium reviews the principles of responsible operations of suppliers and partners and audits them in accordance with the defined criteria. In 2021, the company was able to carry out some audits at suppliers´ premises in Finland, but due to the pandemic, the majority of foreign suppliers were assessed on the basis of self-assessments.

Export control is an important part of the company´s operations and a prerequisite for cooperation between authorities and customers. The company has always followed the instructions and rules of export control when operating in areas such as the defense and information security industries and closely monitors changing legislation in various market areas. In 2021, Bittium has continued to cooperate with the authority in connection with preliminary investigations.

Environmental Topics

In accordance with its environmental policy, Bittium is committed to minimizing the environmental impact of the production, use and disposal of the products it designs. Therefore, Bittium´s products are designed to be long-lasting, repairable and recyclable. As Bittium´s business is mainly focused on the beginning of the product life cycle, its environmental impact is very small. The greatest environmental impact is caused by the recycling of the product.

The Scope 1 carbon dioxide emissions of Bittium´s Finnish sites in 2021 were 102.9 t CO2e (travel and waste) and the Scope 2 emissions were 615.7 t CO2e (heating and electricity). The share of renewable energy in the energy sources used in Finnish offices increased significantly to 35% (17% in 2020).

When working on the 2020–2022 environmental program, it was stated that the most important aspects in reducing Bittium´s carbon footprint are the recycling of waste generated from operations, the utilization of renewable energy sources and increasing the environmental awareness of personnel. The recovery rate of bitumen waste was 99.1% last year (target > 95%). In terms of office space in Oulu, approximately 5% of the energy used was generated by solar energy on an annual basis (target > 5%). 17% of the personnel participated in the training to increase the environmental awareness of the personnel.

Social Responsibility and Employees


Bittium´s equality plan is based on the Equality and Gender Equality Act. The Company does not allow discrimination or unequal treatment based on gender, age, origin, religion or belief, opinion, sexual orientation, disability, or any other personal reason. The implementation of equality is examined, for example, through personnel surveys and surveys from the perspective of pay, career development and recruitment. In addition to the annual personnel surveys, in 2020, the company introduced the bi-weekly Pulssi survey, which inspects personnel´s resilience during the coronavirus pandemic.

The most typical work ability risks in the industry are musculoskeletal disorders, as well as coping at work and mental well-being. Bittium invests in good occupational ergonomics and occupational health care services that support the well-being of its employees, as well as other employee benefits. In 2020, three accidents at work were reported in Bittium´s Finnish companies.

Bittium is an active player in its local community. The company cooperates with local educational institutions in the form of educational visits. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, it has not been possible to organize student visits.

Respect for Human Rights and the Fight against Corruption and Bribery

In all of its business activities, Bittium respects human rights, avoids violating human rights, and intervenes in the potential negative human rights impacts of its operations in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. At Bittium, the monitoring of the implementation of human rights is mainly related to the activities of subcontractors and suppliers. Bittium is responsible for the company´s supply chain in terms of, among other things, supplier requirements and material clearances related to materials and components. Staff training is part of ensuring responsible sourcing. During 2021, no doubts have been reported to Bittium regarding minerals in conflict areas.

Due to Bittium´s market and business areas, corruption is one of the key risks related to social responsibility. Bittium does not accept any form of bribery or corruption in its own activities or in the activities of its partners. The company has internal and external guidelines for preventing anti-corruption activities, and an electronic self-study module on anti-corruption activities has been implemented for new employees. In 2021, 73% of new employees completed training. The company has a monitoring tool in place to identify corruption or other ambiguities in its partners, and a channel is available to the company´s stakeholders to report breaches of anti-corruption rules anonymously. In 2021, the company did not become aware of any suspicions of corruption.

Bittium does not have any activities covered by the classification system of the EU Taxonomy Regulation, so taxonomy-eligible activities account for 0% of net sales, investments and operating expenses.